What do you need ?
- 1 pack of soft bread (brown or white)
- 4 eggs
- 3 tomatoes medium sized
- Dill or parsley
- Emmental or Gruyere cheese to taste
- Salt & pepper
- One teaspoon of vegetable oil
How to master your Omelette ? (20min)
- Always wash the eggs before you use them
- Scramble the eggs
- Add salt & pepper
- Dice the tomatoes (small squares)
- Add tomatoes and dill to the eggs mixture
- Add vegetable oil
- Set to rest in the fridge (until the bread layers are ready)
How to prepare your bread ? (15min)
- Use a mould or a cup
- This is to create the round shaped breads
- Cut the bread – it is soft and easy to do, you can even ask your little ones to help
- Set aside
How to cook the omelette
- Heat a non sticky pan – not too hot
- Remix the prepared omelette
- You don’t need to oil the pan as the mixture contains oil already
- Pour the mixture leave it on low heat for 7 min
- The mixture is ready to be flipped when you see the borders changing colors
- Flip the mixture, leave for another 7 min
- Use a spatula if not comfortable with the flip
- Let it cool for 3 min
- Use a chop board and flip it over
- Use the same cup or mould to create your circles
- Display the bread layers as building a burger
- You can add a salad or home made chips
For FoodStyling tips you can serve your mini omelette burgers on a black marble, sprinkle some sweet paprika.
Bon Appetit ! You can also discover other cooking ideas, check here our Pizza Pasta Recipe
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